Why create a fitness and yoga studio and call it CAMP? Isn’t camp for kids? Well, let’s all be honest here - adulting is hard. Growing is tough. But it can also be a blast, if you do it right. CAMP is play AND growth. It’s a place to have fun being a kid, and to be the badass grown-up you’ve become. At CAMP, we believe that fortifying your soul is every bit as important as strengthening your body. We believe that working out goes hand in hand with working IN. We believe in being serious about working hard, but not taking ourselves too seriously. In being strong and being vulnerable (in fact, being vulnerable IS being strong). We believe in being humble but also being heroes. We CAMP to live our best lives and be our best selves.
But if we want you to be the best you can be at CAMP, WE need to be the best WE can be. That’s how we camp - by always evolving, by staying curious, by holding each other up to our incredibly high standards. And by always being willing to learn more so we can share more. At CAMP we inspire, we love and we support, so that CAMPers have the confidence to let their physique flags fly. We are an inclusive community - we welcome all and support all. We get each other’s hearts racing with new adventures and new friendships. We connect to each other and connect with ourselves. We come of age - no matter our age.
There’s so much to do at CAMP - it’s never the same activity twice. (Heck, it isn’t even the same activity in the next room over.) For CAMPers and counselors, CAMP is always fresh, always growing, always challenging. We search far and wide for the very best instructors and we work to create the most uplifting environment. And we do all this because our greatest passion is to create happier healthier adults through fitness and yoga.
Camp Initiatives
If you’ve been looking for an incredible, elevated yoga and fitness experience that’s hella fun, then you can stop reading here. You’re in! But if you want to know what we care about, what drives us, and what our goals are, read on! For CAMP, it’s all about INCLUSIVITY, AUTHENTICITY, SUSTAINABILITY and COMMUNITY.

At CAMP, all are welcome, all are supported, all are safe. All are equal. We’re in the business of strengthening bodies and minds, but we know the greatest strength is diversity.

At CAMP our best selves come out of hiding. We encourage each other to express and connect with our most authentic self through music, art, movement and voice. At CAMP, we love and inspire so that CAMPers (and counselors!) have the confidence to let their physique flags fly.

As a company, we believe sustainability is our responsibility. So we power our equipment with human-power, not electricity. We built our studios with renewable cork, recycled rubber & old concrete. We heat our studios through efficient radiant heating systems and - the most renewable of all resources - body heat! (Oh yeah, you’re hot.) We say no way to single-use plastic and paper towels. And we will always keep pushing ourselves to be better.