Hey, hot stuff, wanna get even hotter? CAMP’s Sculpt keeps you going through a series of nonstop movements barefoot on a mat utilizing bands, weights, blocks, and TRX suspension trainers. The high-intensity, low-impact exercises tone your muscles while the added heat elevates your core temperature, giving you a better burn than you ever thought possible. You won’t stop, until you drop (because breaks are for the breakroom). CAMP stop, won’t stop!

Move through a non-stop interval training mat based class incorporating powerful, plyometric work and deep isometric holds. We use the TRX suspension trainer, weights, and fast paced movements in a heated room to keep your heart rate up. Sculpt Full Body brings the energy with upbeat music and a serious challenge. After a few of these classes, they’ll be roasting marshmallows on your blazing hot bod.

It gets hot down South, right? Sculpt Lower Body is heavily focused on your legs, core and booty #feelingpeachy. We focus the training on your lower half so you can show off your best ASSets. Expect to utilize TRX suspension trainer, weights, bands and blocks. Get in here and be a badass with a good ass. Headline: Man/Woman Arrested for Packing Heat.

Our Sculpt Upper Body will definitely make you arm candy. Actually, more like hard candy. In Florida + Cali, where sun’s out, guns out is a way of life. This class utilizes plyometrics, isometrics, TRX and weights to make you armed and dangerous. You’ll feel the heat in class, but you’ll feel the burn for days.

What do you get when you mix low-impact Mat Pilates with the high-energy of our Sculpt program? You get SEXY! (duh). You also get CAMP’s Hot Pilates, a beat-based class that’s as perfect a combo as chocolate, marshmallows and graham crackers. And it might even make you scream, give me s’more! Expect to utilize pilates rings, blocks, bands, balls, and light weights.

For Pilates lovers who want that added power. This class incorporates all the core & glute work you love about our Pilates class with added upper body strength and cardio blocks. Even the smoking hot campfire won’t hold a candle to you after a few Power Pilates sessions.
Remember the incredible feeling of winning a Tug of War? You felt it in your arms, your legs, your core...TRX is the modern version, using your body weight and the latest advancements, including padded handles to make nasty rope burn of thing of the past.
There’s never a danger of being the kid with the oldest mat at CAMP, because we have all-rubber recyclable Manduka mats for rent. Good for the environment, good for your body and good for your bank account.
No one wants to slide from a plank to a pancake. That’s why we have super-absorbent, freshly-laundered mat towels for rent in Tampa. (They're also very snuggly, in case you decide to take a nap during savasana.)
You’re gonna sweat (a lot). We’ve got you covered. Literally. Fresh, clean towels provided to all CAMPers. (Towels enhanced with anti-snapping technology to prevent unpleasant locker room flashbacks.)
Like we just said, you’re going to sweat (see the towel stuff). With so much water going out, you'll need to get it back in. Bring your own bottle and fill it with our filtered-water (only the best for our CAMPers), or buy bottled water at the CAMP general store.
No need to hide your stuff under your bunk. Just stash your prized possessions in our combination lockers before class and don’t worry about a thing. Except, of course, remembering the combination.
No one wants to leave CAMP, but when you do, you’ll leave smelling like a Spring day. We’ve got five showers onsite, as well as a full inventory of bath and body products. There will be no signs of your intense workout. Red Rover, Red Rover, send hottie right over!.
Classes at CAMP are musically-driven, and authentic to each instructor. Explicit music may be used depending on the class but we’re all adults here so keep calm and CAMP on!